Вы услышите рассказ об одаренном ребенке. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дваждыFuture Composer
А8 The narrator thought that Mr Bridges was
1) a naturally gifted engineer.
2) really friendly.
3) good at restoring vintage motor bikes.
А9 The most memorable thing about the time living with the Bridges was
1) being able to listen to lots of live music.
2) being welcomed in the family as an elder son.
3) watching the transformation of their son.
А10 The surprising thing about Robert was that he
1) didn’t play any musical instruments.
2) was a naturally talented musician.
3) wanted to learn to play the piano.
А11 The narrator played a part in Robert’s transformation by
1) playing Final Fantasy with him.
2) playing the sound track to Robert.
3) joking that Robert might teach himself how to play.
А12 What was unusual when Robert could play ten pieces was that
1) he learned the first piece in just three days.
2) he was unable to read music.
3) the Bridges decided to get him a teacher.
А13 The most exciting thing was when Robert
1) began writing music.
2) learned...
Вы услышите рассказ об одаренном ребенке. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дваждыFuture Composer
А8 The narrator thought that Mr Bridges was
1) a naturally gifted engineer.
2) really friendly.
3) good at restoring vintage motor bikes.
А9 The most memorable thing about the time living with the Bridges was
1) being able to listen to lots of live music.
2) being welcomed in the family as an elder son.
3) watching the transformation of their son.
А10 The surprising thing about Robert was that he
1) didn’t play any musical instruments.
2) was a naturally talented musician.
3) wanted to learn to play the piano.
А11 The narrator played a part in Robert’s transformation by
1) playing Final Fantasy with him.
2) playing the sound track to Robert.
3) joking that Robert might teach himself how to play.
А12 What was unusual when Robert could play ten pieces was that
1) he learned the first piece in just three days.
2) he was unable to read music.
3) the Bridges decided to get him a teacher.
А13 The most exciting thing was when Robert
1) began writing music.
2) learned to read music.
3) got help from Luke’s friends.
А14 The narrator believes that in the future Robert
1) might inspire future musicians.
2) would make computer games.
3) will be famous.